Over 60 Years of Art | Thank you for visiting Ali Omar Ermes

لقاء خاص مع الكاتب و المبدع علي عمر الرميص

لقاء خاص
مع الكاتب و المبدع علي عمر الرميص
وجدان الربيعي

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برنامج مبدعون في المهجر – الفنان و الكاتب و الباحث علي عمر الرميص

لونٌ و حرفٌ و حكمةٌ و عبرة عناصر شكلت روح العمل الفني لضيف حلقتنا هذا الأسبوع الفنان و الكاتب و الباحث في الحضارة الاسلامية علي عمر الرميص، حضارة و تاريخ و علم و منجزات تخص الحضارة الاسلامية و التي يجهلها الكثير من الناس من العمارة الى المفهوم البصري في اللغة و الشعر العربي وغيرها هي محاور حديثنا مع الرميص في لقاء اكثر من رائع و شيق شرح فيه الرميص وجهة نظره في الفن و الرسم من منظور اسلامي .. للتعرف على تفاصيل الجزء الأول من هذا اللقاء و فكر الفنان و مشواره تابعوا معنا برنامج مبدعون في المهجر يوم الثلاثاء القادم فقط على شاشة الغد العربي في تمام الساعة ١١:٠٠ صباحاً حسب توقيت غرينيتش:

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المشّاء-علي الرميص.. كمين اللون للحرف

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Jaegar-lecoultre Celebrates Its 180th Year Anniversary Exhibition at the Dubai Mall

Jaegar-lecoultre Celebrates Its 180th Year Anniversary Exhibition at the Dubai Mall

Renowned Swiss brand Jaegar-LeCoultre celebrated their 180th year anniversary at The Dubai Mall with a special exhibition transported from the Swiss Vallée de Jour. The occasion was accompanied by a VIP dinner organized by the brand at The Lounge in The Dubai Mall.

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Libyan artists painting auctioned off in Dubai for Syrian refugees

Libyan artists painting auctioned off in Dubai for Syrian refugees

The Sixth Ode by Ali Omar Ermes is to be sold by Christie's auction house to help refugees from the Syrian crisis.
‘The Sixth Ode’ by Ali Ermes is going under the hammer at Christie’s, with proceeds being donated to Syrian refugees. Courtesy Christie’s
‘The Sixth Ode’ by Ali Ermes is going under the hammer at Christie’s, with proceeds being donated to Syrian refugees. Courtesy Christie’s
DUBAI // Proceeds from the sale of a painting by a prominent Libyan artist will help refugees from the Syrian war.

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An Ode to Middle Eastern Art

An Ode to Middle Eastern Art

Meem Gallery in Al Quoz emerged in the earlier days of the Dubai art boom, January 2007, with a clear purpose – to showcase the modern masters of the Middle East, in the Middle East.

“We saw that no one was bringing out the best, the pioneers, the founding fathers of the Middle Eastern art movement,” says Charles Pocock, managing partner and managing director.

Meem is far more than just an exhibition space. The gallery has been involved in various activities to promote its cause. Within its warehouse-style confines in the somewhat bohemian art district of Dubai, is the Noor Islamic Gallery of Islamic Art, a library regarded as the largest resource centre in the region (3,500 books, journals and auction catalogues) for contemporary Middle Eastern art and arts of the Islamic world.

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Wa Lan: Voices of Resistance

Wa Lan: Voices of Resistance

"Wa Lan" is part of a powerful trio of artworks “La, Kalla, Wa Lan” that tackles some of the most pressing issues of our time. Through the use of poetry, these pieces speak out against domination by big powers, terrorism, corruption, and environmental and cultural abuse. They remind us that we are all in this together and that if we want to achieve peace and harmony, we must be honest and reject hypocrisy and double standards. By calling for justice and an end to injustice, "Wa Lan" offers a hopeful vision for a better future.

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Collected Splendour

Collected Splendour

On view at Christie’s ninth sale season in Dubai will be more than 190 works of art from the most renowned Middle Eastern artists such as Paul Guiragossian, Parviz Tanavoli, Fahrad Moshiri, Charles Hussain Zenderoudi, Ali Omar Ermes, Mohammad Ehsai and Fateh Moudarres.

“Since Christie’s inaugural auction in Dubai in 2006, the awareness and appetite for art in general and for Middle Eastern Art in Dubai has increased significantly,” Michael Jeha, managing director of Christie’s Middle East, told Weekend Review. “Christie’s has now sold over $165 million worth of art since 2006 and sold over 1,000 works by Middle Eastern artists, so the demand is increasing at a rapid rate.

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Brought Back Home

Brought Back Home

“Art buyers in the UAE are no longer choosing standard Orientalist paintings but want more contemporary work,” said Yvonne Eklund, art consultant from the London based Egee Art Consultancy commenting on the trends in the art market here in the UAE.

The art expert is currently in the capital to display the works of Arab artists living abroad at an “Arabic Calligraphy Exhibition” being held at the Scheherazade Gallery in Abu Dhabi.

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Artist Who Introduced Arabic Lettering, Language on Canvas

Artist Who Introduced Arabic Lettering, Language on Canvas

Dubai: At first glance, Ali Omar Ermes doesn’t evoke a sense of rebellion or mutiny. His stout build and warm smile instill in you a feeling of security, a compassionate fatherly-figure who wishes to take you by the hand and reveal to you the simple wonders of his art and message.

Yet Ermes was one of the first artists to introduce Arabic lettering, language, and etymology into art pieces. When Middle Eastern artists were running after Western ideals to either emulate great western artists of the time or to appeal to the western art scene, Ermes stood strongly against such acts.

The work he displayed in his gallery today is greatly similar to his earlier work which he displayed in 1969 in Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery in the UK, which at the time was the first if it's kind.

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“الوطني الأردني للفنون الجميلة” ينظم معرضين في استانبول وفلنسيا

الأحد ٣\٠٢\٢٠١٣
الاصلاح نيوز- أكدت سمو الأميرة وجدان الهاشمي رئيسة الجمعية الملكية للفنون الجميلة أن المعرضين اللذين نظمهما المتحف الوطني للفنون الجميلة مؤخرا في كل من استانبول وفلنسيا، وتخصصا بالفن العربي والإسلامي المعاصر لقيا إقبالا كبيرا، فمعرض “انعكاسات من السماء.. تأملات على الأرض” الذي أقيم في فلنسيا في السابع عشر من الشهر الماضي حضره حوالي 49 ألف مشاهد، في حين حضر افتتاح معرض “بين الصحراء والبحر”، الذي عقد في الرابع والعشرين من الشهر ذاته في متحف بيرا في مدينة استانبول، حضره حوالي 60 ألف زائر. 
وقالت إن المتحف الوطني هو “سفير للفن العربي والإسلامي إلى العالم”، إذ ضم المعرضان 55 عملا فنيا لأربعة وأربعين فنانا من 9 دول عربية من المجموعة الدائمة للمتحف الوطني الأردني للفنون الجميلة ولفنانين عرب ينتمون لمختلف الأساليب والاتجاهات الفنية. 
وأضافت الأميرة وجدان الهاشمي خلال المؤتمر الصحفي الذي عقد ظهر أمس في مقر المتحف، أن المتحف منذ افتتاحه أقام حتى الآن 250 معرضا فنيا داخل الأردن وخارجه، مشيرة إلى أن المتحف يأمل بحمل الأعمال الفنية لمختلف دول العالم، إلا أن الأمر يحتاج الى الكثير من العمل والتنظيم وتوفر الدعم المادي، وخاصة أن التحضيرات اللوجستية يلزمها الكثير من التنظيم والمتابعة والموارد المالية أيضا لتغطية التكاليف المختلفة. 
من جانبه قال مدير المتحف الوطني د. خالد خريس إن المتحف يختلف عن المتاحف الأخرى من خلال تعريفه بالفنانين العرب، وليس المحليين فقط للعالم أجمع.

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When Will Everybody Finally Accept That the British Museum is a British Institution? Comments on a Lecture by Neil Macgregor

When Will Everybody Finally Accept That the British Museum is a British Institution? Comments on a Lecture by Neil Macgregor

When I listened to the recent lecture by Neil MacGregor, Director, British Museum on the 250th anniversary of the museum, I was, at least at the beginning, very relieved. (1) I thought, finally we have the director of the museum, an avid apostle of the “universal museum”, who was recently made a saint by the British press (2), admitting openly in the museum, (or is it now a temple?) that his institution is British and actually the first important institution to have in its title, the word “British”. This came in a time British workers were also asserting their nationalism. The history of the British Museum as traced by the director clearly indicated that the museum was established by a British Parliamentary Act for the British people. I heard in the lecture phrases such as “centrally and quintessentially British”, “first public institution to be called British”, “oldest British organization” and all this was said to be “true today”.

There is nothing wrong with all this. We have at present many institutions in the world specifically designated as “national.”

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Academic: Ali Omar Ermes

Academic: Ali Omar Ermes

Ali Omar Ermes (Arabic:علي عمر الرميص) is an internationally renowned artist, writer, and speaker as well as a community activist; but above all, he is a thinker who never restricts his objective to one precinct [Mary Richardson, ‘The alphabet of Ali Omar Ermes’, Arts & The Islamic World, 1988] [ [http://www.zawya.com/story.cfm/sidZAWYA20031029050241 "Ali Omar Ermes In Context"] , "Zawya"] [Fuad Nahdi, 'Conversation with Ali Omar Ermes’, Q News, No. 302 & 303, 13 March 1999] Having spent a period in Libya during which he wrote constantly and published in Arabic, he continues to write on various issues in both Arabic and English, but today his primary focus is on conference papers. Ermes delivers speeches at national and international conferences, in locations ranging from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt, as well as at the VIII Conference ‘European Culture’ in Pamplona, Spain. In his art, articles, ideas and speeches, he addresses a variety of social and cultural issues, including identity, language, education, art, media and community. In addition, he serves as chair of the [http://www.almanaar.org.uk Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre] in Kensington, London, inaugurated by HRH the Prince of Wales in May 2001

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African'Writing and Graphic Systems' Full of Beautiful Variety
You’d be forgiven if, confronted with an exhibit titled “Inscribing Meaning: Writing and Graphic Systems in African Art,” you wouldn’t exactly be bowled over with anticipation. Forgiven, maybe. But you’d be wrong, dead wrong.

The exhibition at the National Museum of African Art is indeed about writing and graphic systems, but that doesn’t begin to hint at the audacious imaginings at work here, or the variety of beautiful works, or the beautiful variety of the written word and Africa’s long history of communications systems.

The somewhat prosaic title also doesn’t hint at the adventurous ideas on the part of the curators, who have not only ranged far and wide over African landscapes, nations, peoples, cultures and art for this display, but also coupled “historic” examples with the work of contemporary artists—some of which are worthy of exhibitions by themselves.

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موعد في المهجر

موعد في المهجر

علي عمر الرميص فنان تشكيلي: أنا تخصصت في العلمي ما يسمى في دارج اللغة بالتخصص العلمي اللي هو تخصص الحساب وتخصص الكيمياء والفيزياء وأحياء حتى بعدين تتخرج دكتور وتتخصص تتخرج مهندس وتتخرج صيدلي وغيره ولكن بعدين خرجت من هذه المسألة وتخصصت في الفنون وتخصصت في الآداب والمسائل بشكل أقرب إلى الموضوع اللي أنا أعمل فيه الآن لميولي أنا الشخصية لرغبتي مثلا لتقديري لأنواع معينة الجمال لإحساسي بأن هذا الموضوع فيه عمق كبير جدا اللي زي ما بنقول إطلاعي الشديد جدا ومكثف على الآداب العالمية والآداب العربية والإسلامية اللي خلا هذا الجانب يتغلب في اختياري على الجوانب الأخرى أنا أردت أن أجمع ما بين الأدب وما بين الرسم وبذلك اخترت أني أرسم الأدب إذا أردنا أن نوضع المسألة بهذه الصورة. في نهاية دراستي في نهاية في بداية السبعينات تعرفت على بعض الناس اللي هم مهتمين بالعمل الفني الإسلامي بالفنون الإسلامية بشكل عام وبذلك كان هناك اتجاه أنا ساهمت فيه في إنشاء وتأسيس ما تم تسميته بمهرجان العالم الإسلامي الذي تم عمله في لندن في 1976 وأنا كنت أحد المؤسسين ومن خلال المهرجان أنا سافرت لغالبية العالم البلدان العالم الإسلامي من إندونيسيا وماليزيا إلى الهند وكشمير وباكستان وجزء من إفريقيا وجزء والبلاد العربية غالبيتها وتركيا وجزء كبير جدا من أوروبا إلى واشنطن يعني وكانت الفرصة كبيرة جدا أن الإنسان يتعرف وفي ذاك الوقت كنت شابا صغيرا يعني في نهاية العشرينات من سن يعني عمري 28، 27، 28، 29 سنة فرصة حسنة جدا لأنني نكتسب خبرات جديدة ألاقي ناس آخرين وأتعرف على شخصيات ذوي أثر في الفكر وفي الثقافة وفي العلوم وفي كل المسائل المتعددة وبذلك وجمعت ما يقارب ما بين عشرة إلى عشرين ألف صورة من المناظر الطبيعية ومن العمارة الإسلامية ومن الفنون والمخطوطات والصناعات الحرفية الممتازة زي الحرير وزي حفر الخشب والتطعيم وكل المعاني الجميلة هذه كل هذه الكثير منها تم عرضها في المهرجان الإسلامي في لندن وتم فتح افتتاح هذا المهرجان الملكة اليزابيث ورئيس الأزهر شيخ الأزهر عبد الحليم محمود كان من الجماعة اللي افتتحوا المعرض وتمت أول صلاة جمعة في هايد بارك بآلاف مؤلفة من المسلمين يصلون يوم الجمعة في هايد بارك.

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“علي عمر ارميص .. في سلسلة لوحات ثلاث تحت عنوان ”يا ضمير العالم اين الضمير”

“علي عمر ارميص .. في سلسلة لوحات ثلاث تحت عنوان ”يا ضمير العالم اين الضمير”

هذه هي اخر اعمال الفنان المعروف علي عمر ارميص، وهي لوحة رسمها الفنان في العام الحالي، واختار اللون الاصفر الباهت علي خلفية الابيض لتظليل ما اسماه اليوم العادي في حياة العراقيين تحت الاحتلال. وفي سلسلة لوحات ثلاث تحت عنوان يا ضمير العالم اين الضمير تساءل فيها بالاحمر القاني علي خلفية حروفية سوداء عن معني الظلم والعدل واستخدم في هذه اللوحات قصيدة الشاعر العراقي المعروف محمد مهدي الجواهري في رثاء الزعيم الوطني اللبناني عمر كرامي، وذلك في حفل تأبينه عام 1953، وقد صور ابو فرات الشاعر العراقي المعروف حالة الامة العربية في تلك الفترة.

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Most Expensive Art Works Sold in Latest Dubai Auction

Most Expensive Art Works Sold in Latest Dubai Auction

March 20 (Gulf Business) — Global auction house Christie’s said that its latest auction in Dubai saw 140 artworks raise a total of over $10.6 million (Dhs39.1 million), an increase of 65 percent compared to last year’s sales total.

The auction, held on March 19 to coincide with Dubai Art Week, saw a range of Middle Eastern modern and contemporary art on display.

The Pharos Collection of Modern Egyptian Art, expected to sell for around $1.4 million, made $3.89 million, with the top lot of the sale also coming from the collection.

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Gulf Courses

Gulf Courses

Family life is extremely private in the Gulf. In a way, it is not surprising that people who dress so conservatively, with women shrouded in black and men cloaked in white, should be so guarded in showing a public face. In the same way, family businesses in the Gulf Cooperation Council, which make up the vast majority of the successful corporations there, are curiously reluctant to share their successes with the press. For this reason, the willingness of Mishal Kanoo, deputy chairman of the GCC-based Kanoo Group, to speak to CampdenFB, is all the more remarkable.

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Artist Profile: a Picture of Learning

Artist Profile: a Picture of Learning

Ali Omar Ermes’ beautiful works have been engaging the worlds of art and Islam for years. And, as Vision discovers, academic rigour has proved inspirational.

By Leonard Stall

Every one of my visits to the leafy home of the man widely considered one of the world’s greatest living Arabic artists, Ali Omar Ermes, reveals a new aspect of the painter and his work, but one thing is clear from the start: he is a thinker and an intellectual, as much as a gifted artist.

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Jaeger-le Coultre Celebrates Dubai’s Expo Win Through Art

Jaeger-le Coultre Celebrates Dubai’s Expo Win Through Art

By Salma Awwad

To celebrate Dubai’s winning bid to host the World Expo 2020, Swiss watchmaker Jaeger-LeCoultre commissioned Ali Omar Ermes to create ‘The Expo painting’ named Tawasul Al-Himam – ‘The Continuum of Resolve’.

Libyan artist Ali Omar Ermes is internationally renowned for his paintings based on Arabic literature and letter forms.

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Experience the beauty and power of art and poetry as they intersect in this breathtaking work. The piece, titled "BP" explores the vital role humans play in preserving the earth and its gifts, all bestowed upon us by God.

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Ba Ayoon El Akhbar

Ba Ayoon El Akhbar

This piece shows the turbulent colour in the background beautifully contrasting with the subtle Gold in the foreground. It contains poetry by Abi Hemam al-Merri, referenced in the book Ayoon el-Akhbar of Ebni Qutaybeh and has been narrated by Abbasi Khalifah Al Mutawakkel. The poem could be interpreted like this:

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Al Haa ‘informal Debate’

Al Haa ‘informal Debate’

The romantic and evocative artwork, Al Haa 'Informal Debate,' delves into the intersection of ambition and mortality. Featuring a poignant line of poetry from the esteemed poet Abu Al Tayyib Al Mutanabbi, the piece explores the idea that even those with grand aspirations may be hindered by their physical selves.

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Celebrating the Seven Odes: The Third Ode

Celebrating the Seven Odes: The Third Ode

This stunning artwork is part of a series that pays tribute to the Seven Odes of Arabic poetry, also known as the Al Muallaqat As Sabaa or Prize Poems. These poems, which were embroidered in gold on silk and hung on the Kaaba as a sign of their exceptional merit, have long been revered for their eloquence and historical significance.

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