Over 60 Years of Art | Thank you for visiting Ali Omar Ermes

Lammatul Lamm

Lammatul Lamm

This artwork shows the grabbing of the expression Lamm, the Arabic equivalent of the English letter L. It has powerful, dominant blows of brush strokes in single colours softened by sensitive swipes in middles tones of the pigment making this complicated piece of art very simple and vice-versa.

The poems are by the well known Abdullah Ibnul Mubarek, the general meaning of which says:

Doing good to humanity is always fundamentally right and good, never mind who appreciates it from who do not.

The artwork is in the mono colour of black on white, very subtle, acrylic and inks on paper, mounted on canvas. The size is 152cm x 122cm.

The artwork is in the collection of the Artist and was produced in 2003, for the ‘Ali Omar Ermes In Context’ Exhibition, sponsored by Merrill Lynch, Mayfair, Oct/Nov 2003.

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لقاء خاص مع الكاتب و المبدع علي عمر الرميص

لقاء خاص
مع الكاتب و المبدع علي عمر الرميص
وجدان الربيعي

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برنامج مبدعون في المهجر – الفنان و الكاتب و الباحث علي عمر الرميص

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