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The Sixth Ode

The Sixth Ode

This is one of a group of seven paintings that celebrates the Seven Odes of Arabic poetry, Al Muallaqat As Sabaa or Prize Poems, which enjoy a special place in Arabic literature due to their power of eloquence and historic relevance.

When a poem was judged to be exceptional, it was embroidered in gold on silk cloth and hung on the Kaaba as a sign of general acclaim. Over the years, the Prize Poems which were thus hung at the Kaaba assumed a universal context and appeal.

With the full 85 (bayt) poetry lines by the pre-Islamic warrior-poet Anter Ibne Shaddad, who was famous for both his romantic story with Ablah and his fairness and strict war ethics. Such as not to start aggression neither to fight who is less capable neither go for he who is already down or loot him after his death.

This artwork was produced in 1993, acrylic and ink on paper, mounted on canvas, its size is approximately 250cm x 225cm. This artwork was sold by auction at Christie's, Dubai.

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لقاء خاص مع الكاتب و المبدع علي عمر الرميص

لقاء خاص
مع الكاتب و المبدع علي عمر الرميص
وجدان الربيعي

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برنامج مبدعون في المهجر – الفنان و الكاتب و الباحث علي عمر الرميص

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