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Arabica Trust International

Arabica Trust International

Arabic is a language of immense contribution to civilisation and since the dawn of history, it has had a tremendous influence on shaping the way we all understand knowledge in science, art, and literature, sharpening human intellect to broader spheres of constructive dialogue through time and space.

Arabica Trust International (ATI) Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation that cherishes all these values and intends to support all positive contributions. ATI aims Insh’Allah to play an active role in bringing about new and up-to-date models of innovative expression and linguistic discovery in all fields of knowledge and wealth of human engagement and interactions.

The Arabica Trust International (ATI) Foundation aims to celebrate the role of the Arabic language in enriching world civilisation and broadening human knowledge. It seeks to reassert Arabic as both a beneficiary of and a contributor to the cross-fertilization, peaceful

coexistence and civilised dialogue of nations; emphasising its aesthetic, humanistic, scientific traditions and intellectual capabilities. The ATI Foundation endeavours to help achieve that through a range of projects and initiatives, such as awarding excellence, publishing quality contributions of literature and developing new dictionaries and concepts of expression.

ATI is dedicated to working towards bettering Muslims and non-Muslims, Arabs and non-Arabs in understanding and appreciating the immense contribution of the Arabic language to world civilisation in the past, present and for the future in science, literature, arts and all aspects of human thought.

ATI, the International Foundation for Arabic Language and Culture is proposed as an international public, a non-profit, organization to facilitate the development and promotion of Arabic language, literature, science, arts, and culture. To seek to preserve and promote the all-important legacy of the Arabic language, culture, and values as it applies to foster a better global understanding of the underpinnings of its heritage and contribution.

ATI members are convinced that no work is of greater importance than the preparation of our young people for their roles as thoughtful and informed citizens of the 21st century by recognizing both their Arabic heritage and the heritage from the wider world. ATI’s goal is to increase awareness and understanding. At the same time, recognizing that equipping communities at all levels within our own diverse society presents a challenge. It seeks to increase the larger society’s understanding of the Arabic heritage and contributions to world history and culture.

1 Response

Lishiana Malik
Lishiana Malik

September 30, 2024

I have a original Ali Omar oil painting piece, is there anywhere I can send an image of the painting to get an estimated price point for selling this beautiful freedom fighter piece?

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Libyan International Expertise Forum - Al Majma
Libyan International Expertise Forum - Al Majma

المجمع العالمي للخبرات الليبية

مقدمة قصيرة لموضوع طائل

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، الحمد لله رب العالمين وبه نستعين، والصلاة والسلام، على رسوله الأمين، وعلى تبعه ووالاه.

أيها الأخوة والأخوات الأحبة، أيها الضيوف الكرام، السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وبعد:

هذه مقدمة قصيرة لموضوع كبير قد طال انظاره وتعددت أسبابه وخلفياته، وهي مقدمة تمهيدية لإستقبال عمل ضروري كان اليبييون في حاجة ماسة منذ زمن بعيد لمثله. والكفاءات الليبية متعددة، وخبراتهم متنوعة ومنتشرة في ليبيا وفي أنحاء العالم، وإنني إذ أكن لأصحابها التقدير والإعجاب، أعتقد أنهم النواة الأهم في بناء ليبيا المستقبل، وطننا العزيزالذي ولدنا وترعرعنا فيه، وتشربنا أهم مقوماتنا الفكرية في أحضانه، وكونا قناعاتنا االأخلاقية واتجاهاتنا الإنسانية في ربوعه، وهو لا يحتاج منا التحسر والتعاطف، بقدر ما يستحق منا التكاتف والتلاحم، كل في موقعه، وكل حسب امكاناته، لصنع نهضة حقيقية لبلدنا، تقيه الوقوع مجددا، في حبائل الإسفاف السياسي، والإخلال الإداري، والخراب الإقتصادي، وتعين على تخليصه من تسلط الفرد، وتعسف الطغمة الغاشمة، والشلل الفاسدة، وتحميه من شراذم العار التي تستكين أمام الأعداء، وتستأسد أمام الضعفاء.

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