Preparing Time: The preparation time for your order depends on the items you have purchased. Some items are shipped within 24 hours, while others may take 1-4 working days or 6-10 working days to prepare for shipment.
Shipping Method Cost Shipping Time (excludes processing time) Countries
Standard Shipping FREE 3-5 business days United Kingdom
Expedited Shipping Varies 1-3 business days United Kingdom
International Shipping Varies 9-20 business days All countries outside of the UK
We are happy to offer free shipping within the UK. However, please note that customs or import duties may be charged once the parcel reaches its destination country. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and we have no control over them. We recommend contacting your local customs office for current charges before placing your order to avoid any unexpected charges.
Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver to P.O. Boxes or military addresses (APO, FPO). If you are located in a US territory (such as Guam or Puerto Rico), please leave a comment when placing your order. Customers from Brazil should also leave a message to provide their 11-digit CPF for customs purposes.
You will receive a tracking number via email within 3-5 business days of placing your order. Please note that with our free shipping option, your parcel may be delivered directly to your home or it may be sent to your local post office for pickup. In either case, you will be notified when your parcel is ready for pickup or has been delivered.
In order to ensure the quality of our products, we carefully prepare and check each item before it is shipped. This process can take an average of 1-4 business days, but may be longer for items that are out of stock or require additional quality control checks.