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Most Expensive Artworks Sold in Latest Dubai Auction

Most Expensive Artworks Sold in Latest Dubai Auction

Global auction house Christie’s said that its latest auction in Dubai saw 140 art works raise a total of over $10.6 million (Dhs39.1 million), an increase of 65 per cent compared to last year’s sales total.

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Christie’s Dubai Auction Nets $10m

Christie’s Dubai Auction Nets $10m

Art enthusiasts in Dubai competed for the 140 artworks at Christie’s auction, which were sold for a total of $10.6 million (Dh39.1 million), an increase of 65 percent on last year’s sale.

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Touchline’s Philanthropy Age Helps Raise Us$80,000 for Syrian Refugees Through Artwork Sale in Dubai

Touchline’s Philanthropy Age Helps Raise Us$80,000 for Syrian Refugees Through Artwork Sale in Dubai

An estimated US$80,000 donation was generated through the sale of one of Ermes’ paintings – given in conjunction with Philanthropy Age – at the auction conducted by Christie’s in Dubai on 19 March. Proceeds will be passed on to the UN refugee agency UNHCR to provide essential aid to the more than 2.5 million people that have escaped the bloodshed in Syria.

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مزاد لوحة الفنان الليبي العالمي علي عمر أرميص

مزاد لوحة الفنان الليبي العالمي علي عمر أرميص

تتصدر لوحة الفنان العربي العالمي علي عمر أرميص، والتي تصور المعلقة السادسة من معلقات الشعر العربي السبع الشهيرة،مزاد كريستيز للأعمال الفنية العربية والإيرانية والتركية الحديثة والمعاصرة الذي تنظمه الدار في 19 مارس المقبل في دبي.

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Christie’s Dubai Auction: Modern and Contemporary Art Auction During Art Dubai

Christie’s Dubai Auction: Modern and Contemporary Art Auction During Art Dubai

Christie’s is back in Dubai with an exciting program for next month, including an auction of modern and contemporary art from the region, which will take place at the Jumeirah Emirates Towers on March 19th and 20th. A viewing will also be open to the public from March 16th to 19th during the 2014 edition of Art Dubai.

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‘Muallaqat Al Sabaa’ on Display in Dubai

‘Muallaqat Al Sabaa’ on Display in Dubai

DUBAI — A depiction of the Sixth Ode from the seven highly respected Arabic poems known as the “Muallaqat Al Sabaa” by the internationally acclaimed artist Ali Omar Ermes, will be one of the highlights in Christie’s March 19 sale in Dubai of Modern and Contemporary Arab, Iranian and Turkish art. — SG

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عائدات لوحة لعلي أرميص تذهب للاجئين

عائدات لوحة لعلي أرميص تذهب للاجئين

تتصدر لوحة الفنان الليبي علي عمر أرميص، والتي تصور المعلقة السادسة من معلقات الشعر العربي السبع الشهيرة، مزاد كريستيز للأعمال الفنية العربية والإيرانية والتركية الحديثة والمعاصرة الذي تنظمه الدار في 19 مارس المقبل في دبي

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UNHCR to Benefit From Arab Poems

UNHCR to Benefit From Arab Poems

A depiction of the Sixth Ode from the seven highly respected Arabic poems known as the Muallaqat Al Sabaa by the internationally acclaimed artist Ali Omar Ermes will be one of the highlights in Christie’s March 19 sale in Dubai of Modern and Contemporary Arab, Iranian and Turkish art.

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UNHCR to Benefit From Sale of an Ermes Painting

UNHCR to Benefit From Sale of an Ermes Painting

During its next sale of Modern and Contemporary Arab, Iranian and Turkish art, held at Jumeirah Emirates Towers on 19 March, Christie’s Dubai will sell the Muallaqat Al-Sabaa by internationally acclaimed artist Ali Omar Ermes of which a proportion of the proceeds will benefit the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in its ongoing efforts for the refugees in Syria.

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Jaeger-Le coultre’s Connection to World Expo 2020

Jaeger-Le coultre’s Connection to World Expo 2020

Jaeger-LeCoultre commissioned Ali Omar Ermes to create ‘The Expo painting’ named Tawasul Al-Himam – ‘The Continuum of Resolve’.

The Great Exhibition, held in London in 1851, inaugurated World Expos as the hallmark events of a world aspiring to strengthen its connections, celebrate its cultural diversity and marvel at its technological wonders. Today, World Expos remain a key meeting point for the global community to share innovations and make progress on issues of international importance such as the global economy, sustainable development and improved quality of life for the world’s population.

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Jaeger-Le Coultre Proudly Celebrates the Spirit of Invention of Dubai Expo 2020 by Presenting a Specially Commissioned Painting to the Higher Committee

Jaeger-Le Coultre Proudly Celebrates the Spirit of Invention of Dubai Expo 2020 by Presenting a Specially Commissioned Painting to the Higher Committee

Jaeger-Le Coultre Middle East Brand Director Renaud Pretet and members of the Touchline board were recently received by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Higher Committee for Dubai Expo 2020 to present the special painting ‘Tawasul Al-Himam’ (The Continuum of Resolve) by Ali Omar Ermes. The great work of art was commissioned by Jeager-LeCoultre and Touchline FZ-LLC in celebration of Dubai’s expo theme.

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“الوطني الأردني للفنون الجميلة” ينظم معرضين في استانبول وفلنسيا

“الوطني الأردني للفنون الجميلة” ينظم معرضين في استانبول وفلنسيا

الاصلاح نيوز- أكدت سمو الأميرة وجدان الهاشمي رئيسة الجمعية الملكية للفنون الجميلة أن المعرضين اللذين نظمهما المتحف الوطني للفنون الجميلة مؤخرا في كل من استانبول وفلنسيا، وتخصصا بالفن العربي والإسلامي المعاصر لقيا إقبالا كبيرا، فمعرض “انعكاسات من السماء..

تأملات على الأرض” الذي أقيم في فلنسيا في السابع عشر من الشهر الماضي حضره حوالي 49 ألف مشاهد، في حين حضر افتتاح معرض “بين الصحراء والبحر”، الذي عقد في الرابع والعشرين من الشهر ذاته في متحف بيرا في مدينة استانبول، حضره حوالي 60 ألف زائر

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Artist Who Introduced Arabic Lettering, Language on Canvas

Artist Who Introduced Arabic Lettering, Language on Canvas

Dubai: At first glance, Ali Omar Ermes doesn’t evoke a sense of rebellion or mutiny. His stout build and warm smile instill in you a feeling of security, a compassionate fatherly-figure who wishes to take you by the hand and reveal to you the simple wonders of his art and message. Yet Ermes was one of the first artists to introduce Arabic lettering, language, and etymology into art pieces. When Middle Eastern artists were running after Western ideals to either emulate great western artists of the time or to appeal to the western art scene, Ermes stood strongly against such acts.

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Collected Splendour

Collected Splendour

Christie’s ninth sale season offers works by Middle Eastern artists, reflecting the region’s growing importance as an art destination On view at Christie’s ninth sale season in Dubai will be more than 190 works of art from the most renowned Middle Eastern artists such as Paul Guiragossian, Parviz Tanavoli, Fahrad Moshiri, Charles Hussain Zenderoudi, Ali Omar Ermes, Mohammad Ehsai and Fateh Moudarres.

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The Dance of Quill and Ink: Contemporary Art of the Middle East

The Dance of Quill and Ink: Contemporary Art of the Middle East

On 16 November 2007 at the State Hermitage Museum (Halls 28-32 by the Saltykov Entrance) an exhibition was opened which has been organized by the State Hermitage Museum in collaboration with the Triumph Gallery in Moscow, supported by Alisher Usmanov’s charitable organization, Art and Sport. The exhibition presents to the public for the first time forty works by six celebrated artists and calligraphers from the Middle East: Etel Adnan (b. 1925, Beirut, Lebanon), Maliheh Afnan (b. 1935, Haifa, Palestine), Rachid Koraichi (b. 1947, Ain el Beida, Algeria), Nja (Naja) Mahdawi (b. 1937, Tunis, Tunisia), Ali Omar Ermes (b. 1945, Tripoli, Lebanon), Mohammed Ehsai (b. 1939, Qazvin, Iran). They have each taken a different creative path, received different educations, live and work in different countries, and use different artistic techniques.

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“علي عمر ارميص .. في سلسلة لوحات ثلاث تحت عنوان ”يا ضمير العالم اين الضمير”

“علي عمر ارميص .. في سلسلة لوحات ثلاث تحت عنوان ”يا ضمير العالم اين الضمير”

هذه هي اخر اعمال الفنان المعروف علي عمر ارميص، وهي لوحة رسمها الفنان في العام الحالي، واختار اللون الاصفر الباهت علي خلفية الابيض لتظليل ما اسماه اليوم العادي في حياة العراقيين تحت الاحتلال

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موعد في المهجر

موعد في المهجر

علي عمر الرميص فنان تشكيلي: أنا تخصصت في العلمي ما يسمى في دارج اللغة بالتخصص العلمي اللي هو تخصص الحساب وتخصص الكيمياء والفيزياء وأحياء حتى بعدين تتخرج دكتور وتتخصص تتخرج مهندس وتتخرج صيدلي وغيره ولكن بعدين خرجت من هذه المسألة وتخصصت في الفنون وتخصصت في الآداب والمسائل بشكل أقرب إلى الموضوع اللي أنا أعمل فيه الآن لميولي أنا الشخصية لرغبتي مثلا لتقديري لأنواع معينة الجمال لإحساسي بأن هذا الموضوع فيه عمق كبير جدا اللي زي ما بنقول إطلاعي الشديد جدا ومكثف على الآداب العالمية والآداب العربية والإسلامية اللي خلا هذا الجانب يتغلب في اختياري على الجوانب الأخرى أنا أردت أن أجمع ما بين الأدب وما بين الرسم وبذلك اخترت أني أرسم الأدب إذا أردنا أن نوضع المسألة بهذه الصورة. في نهاية دراستي في نهاية في بداية السبعينات تعرفت على بعض الناس اللي هم مهتمين بالعمل الفني الإسلامي بالفنون الإسلامية بشكل عام وبذلك كان هناك اتجاه أنا ساهمت فيه في إنشاء وتأسيس ما تم تسميته بمهرجان العالم الإسلامي الذي تم عمله في لندن في 1976 وأنا كنت أحد المؤسسين ومن خلال المهرجان أنا سافرت لغالبية العالم البلدان العالم الإسلامي من إندونيسيا وماليزيا إلى الهند وكشمير وباكستان وجزء من إفريقيا وجزء والبلاد العربية

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Brought Back Home

Brought Back Home

“Art buyers in the UAE are no longer choosing standard Orientalist paintings but want more contemporary work,” said Yvonne Eklund, art consultant from the London based Egee Art Consultancy commenting on the trends in the art market here in the UAE.

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